



attendance: 出席、世話 (イベントや会議に参加している人々の数や出席すること自体を指す。)

attendant: 出席者、係員 (イベントや施設で働く人や、特定の場所に出席している人を指す。)

attention: 注意、注目 (物事に対する集中力や関心を示す。)

attitude: 態度、姿勢 (他者や状況に対する考え方や反応を示す。)

attract: ~を引きつける (何らかの要因により、人や物が近寄ってくるようにする。)

attraction: 魅力、引きつけるもの (人や物が他者に引力を与える特徴や要素。)

attractive: 魅力的な (人や物が魅力を持っていて、他者を引きつける性質を持つ。)

attribute (動詞): ~のせいにする (ある結果や状況を特定の要因や原因に帰する。)

attribute (名詞): 特性 (物事が持っている特徴や性質。)

audience: 聴衆、観衆 (イベントやパフォーマンスを観覧・聴取している人々の集団。)

author: 著者、筆者、作家 (本や文書を書いた人。)

authority: 権力、権威 (組織や社会において、命令や決定を行使する力を持つ立場。)



attendance 出席、世話

Attendance is a must. Please do not be absent.
Attendance is a must. Please do not be absent.


(     ) is a must. Please do not be absent.



attendant 出席者、係員、付き添いの

The hotel attendant was very helpful with my questions.
The hotel attendant was very helpful with my questions.


The hotel (     ) was very helpful with my questions.



attention 注意、注目

He cries all the time to get my attention.
He cries all the time to get my attention.


He cries all the time to get my (     ).



attitude 態度、姿勢

Tom’s attitude in class is irritating the teacher.
Tom’s attitude in class is irritating the teacher.


Tom’s (     ) in class is irritating the teacher.



attract ~を引きつける

To attract customers, the shop is giving a 50% discount on all items.
To attract customers, the shop is giving a 50% discount on all items.


To (     ) customers, the shop is giving a 50% discount on all items.



attraction 魅力、引きつけるもの

One of the attractions in New York is the Grand Central Station.
One of the attractions in New York is the Grand Central Station.


One of the (     ) in New York is the Grand Central Station.



attractive 魅力的な

A fifty percent discount on most of the items is an attractive offer from the shop.
A fifty percent discount on most of the items is an attractive offer from the shop.


A fifty percent discount on most of the items is an (     ) offer from the shop.



attribute ~のせいにする

We can attribute his success to the hard work and dedication he has for his job.
We can attribute his success to the hard work and dedication he has for his job.


We can (     ) his success to the hard work and dedication he has for his job.



attribute 特性

Being fun-loving and trusting are common attributes of children.
Being fun-loving and trusting are common attributes of children.


Being fun-loving and trusting are common (     ) of children.



audience 聴衆、観衆

The audience loved all the performances tonight.
The audience loved all the performances tonight.


The (     ) loved all the performances tonight.



author 著者、筆者、作家

The author received much praise for his new book.
The author received much praise for his new book.


The (     ) received much praise for his new book.



authority 権力、権威

The professor in philosophy is the authority on the subject.
The professor in philosophy is the authority on the subject.


The professor in philosophy is the (     ) on the subject.



attendance  出席、世話
attendant       出席者、係員
attention  注意、注目
attitude  態度、姿勢 
attract  ~を引きつける
attraction  魅力、引きつけるもの
attractive  魅力的な
attribute  ~のせいにする
attribute  特性
audience  聴衆、観衆
author  著者、筆者、作家
authority  権力、権威

 The athlete decided to attend a lecture on astronomy, which astonished his friends who had made the assumption that he was only interested in sports; during the event, he was assured by the astronaut giving the talk that understanding the atmosphere was crucial for both space exploration and athletic performance, motivating him to attach more importance to science, attempt to broaden his knowledge, and eventually attain a greater appreciation for the interconnection between various fields, even as he continued to train for his next big attack in a competition.


※attach A to B =「AがBにあると考える」