




assumption: 仮定、前提。何かを受け入れたり判断したりする際の基本的な考えや信念を指すときに使われる。

assure: 保証する、確信させる。何かが確実に起こることや、安心してもらえるような事実を伝えるときに使われる。

astonish: ~を驚嘆させる。非常に驚くべき事実や状況が誰かに衝撃を与えることを示すときに使われる。

astronaut: 宇宙飛行士。宇宙でのミッションや探査に従事する専門職を指すときに使われる。

astronomy: 天文学。宇宙や天体を研究する科学分野を指すときに使われる。

athlete: 運動選手。スポーツや競技において高い能力を持ち、競い合う人を指すときに使われる。

atmosphere: 大気、空気、雰囲気。地球を取り巻く空気層、ある場所の空気の状態、または状況や環境に関連する特徴的な感じを指すときに使われる。

attach: 添付する、取り付ける。ある物を別の物にくっつける、または電子メールなどにファイルを添付することを示すときに使われる。

attack: ~を攻撃する、攻撃。他の人やものに対して積極的にダメージを与えることを示すときに使われる。

attain: ~を達成する。目標や成果を達成することを示すときに使われる。

attempt: ~を試みる、試み。ある行動やタスクを実行しようとすることを示すときに使われる。

attend: ~に出席する。イベントや会議などに参加することを示すときに使われる。



assumption 仮定、前提

The assumption that the dean is strict is wrong. he’s a fair guy.



The (     ) that the dean is strict is wrong. he’s a fair guy.



assure 保証する、確信させる

I assure you that I will get the job done in time.



I (     ) you that I will get the job done in time.



astonish ~を驚嘆させる

I’m astonished that you can memorize the names of twenty people.



I’m (     ) that you can memorize the names of twenty people.



astronaut 宇宙飛行士

I know somebody who works as an astronaut for NASA.



I know somebody who works as an (     ) for NASA.



astronomy 天文学

Joyce loves astronomy. she likes studying planets and stars.



Joyce loves (     ). she likes studying planets and stars.



athlete 運動選手

Ben was voted athlete of the year because he won many competitions.



Ben was voted (     ) of the year because he won many competitions.



atmosphere 大気、空気、雰囲気

The atmosphere in the room is tense.



The (     ) in the room is tense.



attach 添付する、取り付ける

You can attach your picture to your application.



You can (     ) your picture to your application.



attack ~を攻撃する、攻撃

The burglar was attacked by the guard dog from behind.



The burglar was (     ) by the guard dog from behind.



attain ~を達成する

He worked day and night to attain his goals.



He worked day and night to (     ) his goals.



attempt ~を試みる、試み

I can attempt to cook a good dinner but I’m not sure I can do a good one.



I can (     ) to cook a good dinner but I’m not sure I can do a good one.



attend ~に出席する

My mother will attend my graduation this March.



My mother will (     ) my graduation this March.



 The athlete decided to attend a lecture on astronomy, which astonished his friends who had made the assumption that he was only interested in sports; during the event, he was assured by the astronaut giving the talk that understanding the atmosphere was crucial for both space exploration and athletic performance, motivating him to attach more importance to science, attempt to broaden his knowledge, and eventually attain a greater appreciation for the interconnection between various fields, even as he continued to train for his next big attack in a competition.


※attach A to B =「AがBにあると考える」