




breadth 幅

The breadth of the bed is good enough for an emperor-size bed.
The breadth of bed is good enough for an emperor size bed.


The (     ) of the bed is good enough for an emperor-size bed.



break 壊す、休み

Let’s go for a fifteen-minute break before we continue without discussion.
Let’s go for a fifteen-minute break before we continue without discussion.


Let’s go for a fifteen-minute (     ) before we continue without discussions.



breakfast 朝食

Experts say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Experts say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


Experts say that (     ) is the most important meal of the day.



breath 息、呼吸

I’m almost out of breath after running the 50-meter dash.
I’m almost out of breath after running the 50-meter dash.


I’m almost out of (     ) after running the 50-meter dash.



breathe 呼吸する

It will help you relax if you breathe deeply.
It will help you relax if you breathe deeply.


It will help you relax if you (     ) deeply



breed ~を育てる、~を飼う

The shop is displaying a new breed of tulips from Holland.
The shop is displaying a new breed of tulips from Holland.


The shop is displaying a new (     ) of tulips from Holland.



brief 簡潔な、手見時間

I will give you a brief description of your job before you start.
I will give you a brief description of your job before you start.


I will give you a (     ) description of your job before you start.



bright 明るい、輝いている

The sun is too bright for me. I have to squint my eyes.
The sun is too bright for me. I have to squint my eyes.


The sun is too (     ) for me. I have to squint my eyes.



brilliant 輝かしい

Laura has a brilliant idea for our business.
Laura has a brilliant idea for our business.


Laura has a (     ) idea for our business.



bring 持ってくる

Next time, I will bring my friend with me so you can meet her.
Next time, I will bring my friend with me so you can meet her.


Next time, I will (     ) my friend with me so you can meet her.



broad 広い

The jacket was too small for his broad shoulders.
The jacket was too small for his broad shoulders.


The jacket was too small for his (     ) shoulders.



broadcast ~を放送する

The news was broadcasted on TV nationwide.
The news was broadcasted on TV nationwide.


The news was (     ) on TV nationwide.
