




indefinitely 漠然と、無期限に

The criminal will stay in prison indefinitely.
The criminal will stay in prison indefinitely.


The criminal will stay in prison (     ).



independence 独立、自立

I will have my independence when I get eighteen.
I will have my independence when I get eighteen.


I will have my (     ) when I get eighteen.



independent 独立した

I will leave home so I can be independent.
I will leave home so I can be independent.


I will leave home so I can be (     ).



indicate ~を指し示す、表す

The labels on the bottles indicate instructions.
The labels on the bottles indicate instructions.


The labels on the bottles (     ) instructions.



indication 指示、暗示、兆候

Her gray hair is an indication that she’s getting old.
Her gray hair is an indication that she’s getting old.


Her gray hair is an (     ) that she’s getting old.



indifference 無関心

My father always shows indifference to my grades.
My father always shows indifference to my grades.


My father always shows (     ) to my grades.



indifferent 無関心な

The Smiths are very indifferent to the happenings in the village.
The Smiths are very indifferent to the happenings in the village.


The Smiths are very (     ) to the happenings in the village.



indirect 間接的な

The poor people receive indirect benefits every month.
The poor people receive indirect benefits every month.


The poor people receive (     ) benefits every month.



indispensable 不可欠な、必須の

A lesson plan is an indispensable tool for a teacher.
A lesson plan is an indispensable tool for a teacher.


A lesson plan is an (     ) tool for a teacher.



individual 個々の、個人

Every individual has the right to vote in Election.
Every individual has the right to vote in Election.


Every (     ) has the right to vote in Election.



individualism 個人主義

People in the United Kingdom practice individualism.
People in the United Kingdom practice individualism.


People in the United Kingdom practice (     ).



individuality 個性

I saw houses with great individuality on my trip.
I saw houses with great individuality on my trip.


I saw houses with great (     ) on my trip.
