




immediate 即座の、直接の

I need an immediate response to my proposals.
I need an immediate response to my proposals.


I need an (     ) response to my proposals.



immediately 直ちに

Please reply immediately if you have received my message.
Please reply immediately if you have received my message.


Please reply (     ) if you have received my message.



immense 莫大な

They have received an immense amount of money.
They have received an immense amount of money.


They have received an (     ) amount of money.



immigrant 移民、移住者

Charles will go to France as an immigrant.
Charles will go to France as an immigrant.


Charles will go to France as an (     ).



immigration 移住すること

I stayed at the immigration office for an hour.
I stayed at the immigration office for an hour.


I stayed at the (     ) office for an hour.



impact 影響、効果、衝撃

You have to realize the impact of your mistake.
You have to realize the impact of your mistake.


You have to realize the (     ) of your mistake.



impatient いらいらする

Troy is very impatient and doesn’t want to wait.
Troy is very impatient and doesn’t want to wait.


Troy is very (     ) and doesn’t want to wait.



implication 暗示

I don’t understand your implication very well.
I don’t understand your implication very well.


I don’t understand your (     ) very well.



imply ~をほのめかす

They imply that the children should go on a trip.
They imply that the children should go on a trip.


They (     ) that the children should go on a trip.



impolite 無礼な、無作法な

In this company, we don’t like impolite people.
In this company, we don’t like impolite people.


In this company, we don’t like (     ) people.



import 輸入、輸入品

Our wine import this year is so costly.
Our wine import this year is so costly.


Our wine (     ) this year is so costly.



import 輸入する

Philippine restaurants import wine from Germany sometimes.
Philippine restaurants import wine from Germany sometimes.


Philippine restaurants (     ) wine from Germany sometimes.
