




ice 氷

Put some ice on your swollen arm.
Put some ice on your swollen arm.


Put some (     ) on your swollen arm.



idea アイデア、考え

I like the idea of a beach wedding.
I like the idea of a beach wedding.


I like the (     ) of a beach wedding.



ideal 理想的な、理想

June is an ideal month for a wedding.
June is an ideal month for a wedding.


June is an (     ) month for a wedding.



identical 同一の

I saw a blue notebook identical to yours.
I saw a blue notebook identical to yours.


I saw a blue notebook (     ) to yours.



identification 身分証明、同一視

I need your identification card before you can get in.
I need your identification card before you can get in.


I need your (     ) card before you can get in.



identify ~を確認する、~を識別する

I can’t identify which dress is yours.
I can’t identify which dress is yours.


I can’t (     ) which dress is yours.



identify 身元、正体、独自性

The identity of the killer is not clear.
The identity of the killer is not clear.


The (     ) of the killer is not clear.



idle 怠惰な、仕事をしていない

Lydia is very idle and she just wants to have fun.
Lydia is very idle and she just wants to have fun.


Lydia is very (     ) and she just wants to have fun.



ignorance 知らないこと、無知

Her ignorance of the rules is quite obvious.
Her ignorance of the rules is quite obvious.


Her (     ) of the rules is quite obvious.



ignorant 無知の

We must not be ignorant of the laws.
We must not be ignorant of the laws.


We must not be (      ) of the laws.



ignore ~を無視する

My children always ignore my rules in the house.
My children always ignore my rules in the house.


My children always (     ) my rules in the house.



ill 病気の、悪い

Terry is very ill he was taken to the hospital.
Terry is very ill he was taken to the hospital.


Terry is very (     ) he was taken to the hospital.
