




hesitate ためらう

Do not hesitate to ask me for help.
Do not hesitate to ask me for help.


Do not (     ) to ask me for help.



hide ~を隠す、隠れる

I will hide the chocolates so the kids will not see them.
I will hide the chocolates so the kids will not see them.


I will (     ) the chocolates so the kids will not see them.



highly 高度に、非常に

I highly appreciate the help that you give.
I highly appreciate the help that you give.


I (     ) appreciate the help that you give.



highway 幹線道路

There was an accident on the highway an hour ago.
There was an accident on the highway an hour ago.


There was an accident on the (     ) an hour ago.



hike ハイキングする

My friends and I always go for a hike.
My friends and I always go for a hike.


My friends and I always go for a (     ).



hill 丘

I can see the whole city from the top of the hill.
I can see the whole city from the top of the hill.


I can see the whole city from the top of the (     ).



hire ~を雇う、~を借りる

We are going to hire a secretary this week.
We are going to hire a secretary this week.


We are going to (     ) a secretary this week.



historian 歴史家

Josephus was a famous Greek historian of his time.
Josephus was a famous Greek historian of his time.


Josephus was a famous Greek (     ) of his time.



historic 歴史的重要な

There are many historic temples in Japan.
There are many historic temples in Japan.


There are many (     ) temples in Japan.



historical 歴史的な

I have an assignment about historical places in America.
I have an assignment about historical places in America.


I have an assignment about (     ) places in America.



history 歴史、経歴

I have collections of history books of the world.
I have collections of history books of the world.


I have collections of (     ) books of the world.



hit ~を打つ、打撃

The boy was hit by a baseball.
The boy was hit by a baseball.


The boy was (     ) by a baseball.
