




alter: 変更する。何かを修正、調整、または変形させることを示すときに使われる。

alternative: 二者択一の、代わりの。選択肢の1つや、他の選択肢に代わるものを指すときに使われる。

altogether: 全く、完全に。完全にある状態や程度を示すときに使われる。

amaze: ~をびっくりさせる。非常に驚かせることや、予想外の結果を示すときに使われる。

ambitious: 野心的な。高い目標や大きな成果を追求することを示すときに使われる。

among: ~の間で。複数の人や物の中に存在することを示すときに使われる。

amount: 量、総額。物や金銭の数や大きさを示すときに使われる。

amuse: ~を楽しませる。面白がらせることや、娯楽を提供することを示すときに使われる。

amusement: 楽しみ、娯楽。楽しむことや、楽しませるものを指すときに使われる。

analyze: ~を分析する。情報やデータを詳細に調べることを示すときに使われる。

ancestor: 先祖、祖先。過去の親族、特に遠い親戚を指すときに使われる。

ancient: 古代の。非常に古い時代や、古代の文化や歴史を指すときに使われる。



alter 変更する

I need to have my dress altered because it doesn’t fit me well.



I need to have my dress (     ) because it doesn’t fit me well.



alternative 二者択一の、代わりの

Natural herbs are the leading alternative to western medicine.



Natural herbs are the leading (     ) to western medicine.



altogether 全く、完全に

Altogether, the children’s presentations are fun and exciting.



(     ), the children’s presentations are fun and exciting.



amaze ~をびっくりせる

The magician failed to amaze the smart audience.



The magician failed to (     ) the smart audience.



amnitious 野心的な

The small-time politician was so ambitious he ran for president.



The small-time politician was so (     ) he ran for president.



among ~の間で

Among the whole class, his project was the best.



(     ) the whole class, his project was the best.



amount 量、総額

You don’t need to spend a big amount of money to have a great vacation.



You don’t need to spend a big (     ) of money to have a great vacation.



amuse ~を楽しませる

You can amuse your visitors by showing them around the house.



You can (     ) your visitors by showing them around the house.



amusement 楽しみ、娯楽

Television is the only amusement you can find at dentists.



Television is the only (     ) you can find at dentists.



analyze ~を分析する

Please analyze each question before you answer.



Please (     ) each question before you answer.



ancestor 先祖、祖先

Some people believe that their ancestors give them protection.



Some people believe that their (     ) give them protection.



ancient 古代の

The mystery of the ancient city of Machu Picchu is still unresolved.



The mystery of the (     ) city of Machu Picchu is still unresolved.



 The amusement park's ambitious new roller coaster, built among the towering trees, attracted a significant amount of attention, as it amazed and amused visitors with its ancient-themed design; engineers were forced to alter the structure to fit the landscape, providing an alternative experience that altogether differed from traditional rides, encouraging guests to reflect on the achievements of their ancestors while also analyzing the intricate details of the ride's construction.
