




directly 直接に

Do not look directly into the light.
Do not look directly into the light.


Do not look (     ) into the light.



dirty 汚す、汚れた

These dishes are very dirty.
These dishes are very dirty.


These dishes are very (     ).



disabled 身体障害のある

This institution is designed for disabled people.
This institution is designed for disabled people.


This institution is designed for (     ) people.



disadvantage 不利

I am at a disadvantage when playing tennis.
I am at a disadvantage when playing tennis.


I am at a (     ) when playing tennis.



disagree 同意しない

I disagree with the way John treats his dog.
I disagree with the way John treats his dog.


I (     ) with the way John treats his dog.



disappear 見えなくなる、消える

The magician made the rabbit disappear.
The magician made the rabbit disappear.


The magician made the rabbit (     ).



disappoint 失望させる

I’m sorry to disappoint you.
I’m sorry to disappoint you.


I’m sorry to (     ) you.



disappointed がっかりした

I can tell by your face that you are disappointed with dinner.
I can tell by your face that you are disappointed with dinner.


I can tell by your face that you are (     ) with dinner.



disappointment 失望

That movie was a big disappointment.
That movie was a big disappointment.


That movie was a big (     ).



disapprove 賛成しない

I disapprove of the plan.
I disapprove of the plan.


I (     ) of the plan.



disaster 災害、惨事、災難

This trip to your parent’s house is sure to be a disaster.
This trip to your parent’s house is sure to be a disaster.


This trip to your parent’s house is sure to be a (     ).



disastrous 破滅的な

If you forget to turn off your oven, it can be disastrous.
If you forget to turn off your oven, it can be disastrous.


If you forget to turn off your oven, it can be disastrous.
