



desperate 必死の

They are desperate for our business.
They are desperate for our business.


They are (     ) for our business.



despise ~を軽蔑する

I despise the smell of tuna.
I despise the smell of tuna.


I (     ) the smell of tuna.



despite ~にもかかわらず

Despite our efforts, we lost.
Despite our efforts, we lost.


(     ) our efforts, we lost.



dessert デザート

We are having cheesecake for dessert.
We are having cheesecake for dessert.


We are having cheesecake for (     ).



destination 目的地

The train will arrive at our destination in about an hour.
The train will arrive at our destination in about an hour.


The train will arrive at our (     ) in about an hour.



destroy 破壊する

You can destroy many things with a sledgehammer.
You can destroy many things with a sledgehammer.


You can (     ) many things with a sledgehammer.



destruction 破壊、破滅

The destruction of the monument was shameful.
The destruction of the monument was shameful.


The (     ) of the monument was shameful.



destructive 破壊的な

Tornados can be incredibly destructive.
Tornados can be incredibly destructive.


Tornados can be incredibly (     ).



detail 細部、詳細

Pay attention or you might miss an important detail.
Pay attention or you might miss an important detail.


Pay attention or you might miss an important (     ).



detect ~を見つける

I detect a hint of sarcasm in your voice.
I detect a hint of sarcasm in your voice.


I (     ) a hint of sarcasm in your voice.



detective 探偵の、刑事、探偵

The detective solved the crime.
The detective solved the crime.


The (     ) solved the crime.



determination 決心、決定

With enough determination, you can accomplish your goals.
With enough determination, you can accomplish your goals.


With enough (     ), you can accomplish your goals.
