




depart 出発する

We will depart from the airport at noon.
We will depart from the airport at noon.


We will (     ) from the airport at noon.



department 部門、学科、売り場

Which department was helping this customer?
Which department was helping this customer?


Which (     ) was helping this customer?



departure 出発

John’s departure made Margot sad.
John’s departure made Margot sad.


John’s (     ) made Margot sad.



depend 頼る、左右される

You can depend on me!
You can depend on me!


You can (     ) on me!



dependence 依存

Dependence on foreign oil is a problem.
Dependence on foreign oil is a problem.


(     ) on foreign oil is a problem.



dependent 依存している、頼っている

John is too dependent on Gary.
John is too dependent on Gary.


John is too (     ) on Gary.



depress 憂鬱にさせる、落胆させる、押す

That sad news depresses her.
That sad news depresses her.


That sad news (     ) her.



depressed 憂鬱な、落胆した

Gary has been very depressed lately.
Gary has been very depressed lately.


Gary has been very (     ) lately.



depressing 憂鬱にさせる

All this rain is depressing.
All this rain is depressing.


All this rain is (     ).



depression 落ち込み、不景気、憂鬱

A lot of people in this country are suffering from depression.
A lot of people in this country are suffering from depression.


A lot of people in this country are suffering from (     ).



deprive ~から奪う

Deprive yourself of dessert if you want to lose weight.
Deprive yourself of dessert if you want to lose weight.


(      ) yourself of dessert if you want to lose weight.



depth 深さ

The depth of the pool is about nine feet.
The depth of the pool is about nine feet.


The (     ) of the pool is about nine feet.
