




bark ほえる

I don’t like it when the dogs bark, it’s too noisy.
I don’t like it when the dogs bark, it’s too noisy.


I don’t like it when the dogs (     ), it’s too noisy.



barrier 壁、防壁

There is a barrier between the two high schools.
There is a barrier between the two high schools.


There is a (     ) between the two high schools.



base 土台、基礎、基地

When you build a building, making a base is very important.
When you build a building, making a base is very important.


When you build a building, making a (     ) is very important.



basic 基本的な

You need to learn basic math before you can understand difficult problems.
You need to learn basic math before you can understand difficult problems.


You need to learn (     ) math before you can understand difficult problems.



basis 基礎

The Bible is the basis of his opinions.
The Bible is the basis of his opinions.


The Bible is the (     ) of his opinions.



bath 入浴、風呂

You should take a bath every day.
You should take a bath every day.


You should take a (     ) every day.



bathe 入浴する、浸す

You should be gentle when you bathe a baby because they’re so delicate.
You should be gentle when you bathe a baby because they’re so delicate.


You should be gentle when you (     ) a baby because they’re so delicate.



bathroom 浴室、風呂

She redecorates her bathroom every year.
She redecorates her bathroom every year.


She redecorates her (     ) every year.



battle 戦う、戦闘

The story is about the battle between good and evil.
The story is about the battle between good and evil.


The story is about the (     ) between good and evil.



bay 湾

The boats will dock near the bay.
The boats will dock near the bay.


The boats will dock near the (     ).



beach 海岸、浜辺

The beach is known for its white sand.
The beach is known for its white sand.


The (     ) is known for its white sand.



bear ~に耐える、~を生む、クマ

All the trees in the orchard bear fruits.
All the trees in the orchard bear fruits.


All the trees in the orchard (     ) fruits.
