




anxious: 心配して。不安や懸念を抱えている状態を示すときに使われる。

apart: ばらばらに。物事が離れている、分離されている状態を指すときに使われる。

apologize: 謝る。過ちや不適切な行為に対して謝罪の意を示すときに使われる。

apology: 謝罪。過ちや不適切な行為に対する謝罪の言葉や行為を指すときに使われる。

apparent: 明らかな。はっきりとわかる、疑いの余地がないことを示すときに使われる。

apparently: 一見。外見上はそう見えるが、実際には異なる場合があることを示すときに使われる。

appeal: 訴える。支持や同情を求めることを示すときに使われる。

appear: (外見が)~のように見える。外観や様子から判断して何らかの状況が存在するように見えることを示すときに使われる。

appearance: 外見、出現。物事の見た目や形状、または何かが現れることを指すときに使われる。

appetite: 食欲。食べ物に対する欲求や、食事をとる意欲を指すときに使われる。

applicant: 志願者、応募者。職や学校などに応募している人を指すときに使われる。

application: 応用、申込み。技術や知識の利用法を示す場合や、職や学校などへの申し込みを指す場合に使われる。



anxious 心配して

I’m anxious to know the result of my exams.



I’m (     ) to know the result of my exams.



apart ばらばらに

John will be apart from his family now that he’s in college.



John will be (     ) from his family now that he’s in college.



apologize 謝る

I apologize for making you wait. I’ve been very busy lately.



I (     ) for making you wait. I’ve been very busy lately.



apology 謝罪

I demand an apology for the bad treatment you’ve given me.



I demand an (     ) for the bad treatment you’ve given me.



apparent 明らかに

It is apparent that it will rain in a few moments with these heavy clouds.



It is (     ) that it will rain in a few moments with these heavy clouds.



apparently 一見、明白に

Apparently, we don’t have to pay the wrong bill they gave us.



(     ), we don’t have to pay the wrong bill they gave us.



appeal 訴える、頼む

I would like to appeal to your goodness to please help us.



I would like to (     ) to your goodness to please help us.



appear (外見が)~のように見える

Mr. Thomas appeared on TV and everybody saw him.



Mr. Thomas (     ) on TV and everybody saw him.



appearance 外見、出現

Judging by her appearance, she has a big problem.



Judging by her (     ), she has a big problem.



appetite 食欲、欲求

I have a big appetite for exotic food.



I have a big (     ) for exotic food.



applicant 志願者、応募者

All applicants must pass all the needed documents.



All (     ) must pass all the needed documents.



application 応用、申込み

You have to complete the application until tomorrow.



You have to complete the (     ) until tomorrow.




 The nervous applicant paced back and forth alone in the waiting room, anxious about the outcome of their job application and mumbling aloud to practice their apology in case they made any mistakes during the interview, but their genuine appetite for learning and their ability to appeal to customers with their friendly appearance and demeanor eventually set them apart from the other candidates, allowing them to secure the position.
