




achieve: ~を達成する。目標や目的を達成したり、成功を収めるときに使われる。

achievement: 達成、業績。個人や団体が成し遂げた目標や成功、または特別な成果を指すときに使われる。

acquaintance: 知人。親しい友人ではないが、顔見知りの範囲内の人物を指すときに使われる。

acquire: ~を獲得する。スキル、知識、財産などを手に入れる際に使われる。

across: ~を横切って。空間や場所を横断するときに使われる。

act: 行動する。何らかの行為や活動を起こすときに使われる。

action: 活動、行動。何らかの具体的な行為や活動を指すときに使われる。

active: 活動的な、積極的な。エネルギッシュで行動力のある様子を表すときに使われる。

activity: 活動。趣味、スポーツ、仕事など、さまざまな行動や取り組みを指すときに使われる。

actor: 俳優。映画や演劇などの舞台で、役を演じる男性を指すときに使われる。

actress: 女優。映画や演劇などの舞台で、役を演じる女性を指すときに使われる。

actually: 実際に。事実や現実に即した状況を表すときや、誤解を解く際に使われる。



achieve ~を達成する

She was able to achieve a high score because of her hard work.



She was able to (     ) a high score because of her hard work.



achievement 達成、業績

He is known all over the world because of his musical achievement.



He is known all over the world because of his musical (     ).



acquaintance 知人

I made a lot of acquaintances at the company party.



I made a lot of (     ) at the company party.



acquire ~を獲得する、~を習得する

You need to acquire a permit from the government to continue with the project.



You need to (     ) a permit from the government to continue with the project.



across ~を横切って

The cruise has been made across the Atlantic.



The cruise has been made (     ) the Atlantic.



act 行動する

You have to act on your dreams to make them come true.



You have to (     ) on your dreams to make them come true.



action 活動、行動

You will be judged for your actions, not your intensions.



You will be judged for your (     ), not your intensions.



active 活動的な、積極的な

My mother is an active member of the community.



My mother is an (     ) member of the community.



activity 活動

Group activity is a good way to build teamwork.



Group (     ) is a good way to build teamwork.



actor 俳優

Fred Astaire was a great actor of his time.



Fred Astaire was a great (     ) of his time.



actress 女優

Angelina Jolie is the most famous actress today.



Angelina Jolie is the most famous (     ) today.



actually 実際に

Actually, sharing an umbrella is a good idea.



(     ),  sharing an umbrella is a good idea.




 To achieve remarkable achievements as an actor, James decided to act by actively participating in various activities to acquire new acting techniques, and in doing so, he came across an accomplished actress who shared her experiences and achievements, becoming a close acquaintance and actually leading to greater success in their careers.
