




predict ~を予言する、~っを予測する

Astrologers believe it is possible to predict the future.
Astrologers believe it is possible to predict the future.


Astrologers believe it is possible to (     ) the future.



prediction 予想、予言、予測

The weather department's prediction about the rain came out to be true.
The weather department's prediction about the rain came out to be true.


The weather department's (     ) about the rain came out to be true.



prefer ~を好む

I would prefer to know the details of the contract before starting the work.
I would prefer to know the details of the contract before starting the work.


I would (     ) to know the details of the contract before starting the work.



preferable より好ましい

It is preferable to avoid any argument with the boss.
It is preferable to avoid any argument with the boss.


It is (     ) to avoid any argument with the boss.



preference 好み、好物

The location for summer vacations depends on personal preference.
The location for summer vacations depends on personal preference.


The location for summer vacations depends on personal (     ).



prehistoric 有史以前の、古代の

Dinosaurs ruled the earth in prehistoric times.
Dinosaurs ruled the earth in prehistoric times.


Dinosaurs ruled the earth in (     ) times.



prejudice 偏見、予断

He overcame the prejudice against his social background to become a star athlete.
He overcame the prejudice against his social background to become a star athlete.


He overcame the (     ) against his social background to become a star athlete.



preparation 準備、用意

Sam is busy these days with the preparations for his wedding.
Sam is busy these days with the preparations for his wedding.


Sam is busy these days with the (     ) for his wedding.



prepare 準備する、用意する

You must prepare well for your exams if you want to score well.
You must prepare well for your exams if you want to score well.


You must (     ) well for your exams if you want to score well.



presence 存在、出席

The judge demanded the presence of the witness in the court.
The judge demanded the presence of the witness in the court.


The judge demanded the (     ) of the witness in the court.



present 贈り物、出席して、現在の

He was asked to be present during the meeting.
He was asked to be present during the meeting.


He was asked to be (     ) during the meeting.



present 提出する、贈る

The manager asked to Sam to present the case before the board.
The manager asked to Sam to present the case before the board.


The manager asked to Sam to (     ) the case before the board.
