




poem 詩

It is a beautiful poem that is one of my favourites.
It is a beautiful poem that is one of my favourites.


It is a beautiful (     ) that is one of my favourites.



poet 詩人

The poet wrote very beautifully about nature.
The poet wrote very beautifully about nature.


The (     ) wrote very beautifully about nature.



poetry 詩、詩歌

When I feel upset I write poetry to feel better.
When I feel upset I write poetry to feel better.


When I feel upset I write (     ) to feel better.



point 指さす、点

I didn’t understand the point he was trying to make.
I didn’t understand the point he was trying to make.


I didn’t understand the (     ) he was trying to make.



poison 毒薬、毒

I read in the newspaper that the man tried to poison his wife.
I read in the newspaper that the man tried to poison his wife.


I read in the newspaper that the man tried to (     ) his wife.



poisnous 有害な

You shouldn’t eat those berries as they are poisonous and can kill you.
You shouldn’t eat those berries as they are poisonous and can kill you.


You shouldn’t eat those berries as they are (     ) and can kill you.



pole 柱、棒

There was a pole in the way so I couldn’t see him properly.
There was a pole in the way so I couldn’t see him properly.


There was a (     ) in the way so I couldn’t see him properly.



police 警察官

I called the police because the party was out of control.
I called the police because the party was out of control.


I called the (     ) because the party was out of control.



policy 方針、政策

It is the policy of this company to investigate any complaints.
It is the policy of this company to investigate any complaints.


It is the (     ) of this company to investigate any complaints.



polish ~を磨く

I will polish the furniture before my parents arrive.
I will polish the furniture before my parents arrive.


I will (     ) the furniture before my parents arrive.



polite 礼儀正しい

He was a very polite child with good manners.
He was a very polite child with good manners.


He was a very (     ) child with good manners.



political 政治的な、政治の

It was a very political film about current affairs.
It was a very political film about current affairs.


It was a very (     ) film about current affairs.
