




parcel 小包

I have to go and deliver a parcel to that office.
I have to go and deliver a parcel to that office.


I have to go and deliver a (     ) to that office.



pardon ~を許す、許し

I beg your pardon, I didn’t hear the question.
I beg your pardon, I didn’t hear the question.


I beg your (     ), I didn’t hear the question.



park 公園、駐車場、~を駐車させる

Let’s take the children to the park as it is a nice day.
Let’s take the children to the park as it is a nice day.


Let’s take the children to the (     ) as it is a nice day.



part 部分、役割、~を分ける

I need to order a new part to be able to fix the car.
I need to order a new part to be able to fix the car.


I need to order a new (     ) to be able to fix the car.



partial 一部の

She only has a partial understanding of the concept.
She only has a partial understanding of the concept.


She only has a (     ) understanding of the concept.



participate 参加する

I was asked to participate in a sports competition.
I was asked to participate in a sports competition.


I was asked to (     ) in a sports competition.



particle 粒子

He is a scientist studying particle physics in a laboratory.
He is a scientist studying particle physics in a laboratory.


He is a scientist studying (     ) physics in a laboratory.



particular ある特定の、特有の

I don’t want to go to that particular restaurant.
I don’t want to go to that particular restaurant.


I don’t want to go to that (     ) restaurant.



partly 部分的に

I admit I was partly to blame for the mistake.
I admit I was partly to blame for the mistake.


I admit I was (     ) to blame for the mistake.



partner 相手、仲間

He had a good business partner who then left the company.
He had a good business partner who then left the company.


He had a good business (     ) who then left the company.



party 党、相手、会合

I will have a party to celebrate my birthday.
I will have a party to celebrate my birthday.


I will have a (     ) to celebrate my birthday.



pass ~を通過する

I hope I pass this exam with a high grade.
I hope I pass this exam with a high grade.


I hope I (     ) this exam with a high grade.
